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| Kirsten is an 18-inch-tall girl from 1854. After years of neglect, she was overjoyed to be loved again, though she, er, doesn't always act that grateful. Unlike Mini Kit, she is Too Cool For You To Buy Anymore.
Kirsten is the girl that started it all, and joined Kirsten's Adventures in the first story, March 20, 2006. Her birthday is June 8, 1845.

| That Cheap Lady is a 5'6 woman from dates undisclosed. Kirsten complains that she does not buy her enough things, doesn't play enough with her, and overall neglects her. That Cheap Lady often narrates Kirsten's Adventures, but the first time you can see her is at the top of March 22, 2006.

| Mini Kit is an 6.5-inch-tall girl from 1934. She has an adventurous spirit, and frankly seems to be much more at home wearing fantasy clothes. She joined Kirsten's Adventures April 19, 2006. Her birthday is May 19, 1923.
| Pegleg Sally is, in Kirsten's words, "a poor doll that had a terrible accident and has no head and no arms and only one leg." Others would call her a dress form. She was purchased on clearance sale from American Girl. She joined Kirsten's Adventures May 9, 2006 (which, coincidentally, is her birthday).
| Nellie is an 18-inch-tall girl from 1906. She is always sweet and polite, and really loves everyone, even when she has to tell Miss Kirsten that she's not being very nice. Her favorite Disney princess is Giselle from Enchanted--just becaus she is so nice. She actually started out life as a mini doll, until a freak accident made her big. Mini Nellie first joined Kirsten's Adventures May 26, 2006, and we first see her big self on July 16, 2006. Her birthday is October 15, 1895.
| May is an 18-inch-tall girl from the 1920s, who takes no nonsense from anyone. She's fairly practical and very hard-working, but not half as nice as Nellie.
May first joined Kirsten's Adventures June 3, 2008, though she was in hiding at the time.
| Constancy is an 18-inch-tall girl, or possibly ghost, from times unknown, and a land called MCM, I think? Weird. She was first sighted August 9, 2009.
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